Monday, January 28, 2013

in the future technology will...

In the future technology will...
    In reference to the outlandish expectations of the future, technology will progress. I believe that there will be an idea like WALLE. In WALLE by pixar, there wasn't any human life on earth, just one lonely machine a cockroach. The humans lived on an aircraft and had seats with screens in front of them and they could facetime people. I don't think technology will be so out of hand that we will all be sitting for the rest of our lives but we already have facetime and sit on our butts chilling on our phones talking through a computer based handheld device.
    Technology has already took over everything.  From simulation golfing to having universal remotes that control the heating to an outside hot tub. How much more can technology do? Has it done enough? Why do we rely on it so much?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Inauguration Reaction

The inauguration of Obama didn't seem as controversial to me as some thought. Considering I have never watched any other president sworn into office Obama's didn't fill any hopes or misconceptions I may have had. The only part that I payed attention to is when he started to address "our gay brothers and sisters", or something like that. The speech was more issue based and formal opposed to the audience he served (our fellow American's). Speech wise, I think he didn't have the effect that Bush did with his accent and ignorance of the English language.  Which was good because of the embarrassment Bush went though. Overall I liked the speech, the parts I understood and heard instead of being bored that is.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dos and don'ts of social media.

Social media is bigger than ever and more accessible. My generation has had to learn the hard way about what to do and what not to so when it comes to putting things on the internet. To help the younger generation or anyone struggling with what to do and what not to do here are some tips.

Ten dos and don'ts of social media

1. Don't be a follower-if you see one of your friends post a risky picture do not do the same because she/he had however many likes or retweets. If someone does something and you think its cool but your parents may find out, don't do it. Don't lesser yourself.

2. Make sure you know them-if a person decides to follow you on Twitter or Instagram or be friends on Facebook, add them for the right reasons. Not because you think said person is cute or popular but because you actually know them. There are people out there that will deceive you. In this case, judge a book by it's cover.

3. Do not be too personal-you do not need to put your whole life story on a social media site. This could attract the wrong attention and could cause you harm. Never, ever, ever put where you live down to the number on your house. Some crazy person could find you and kill you, point blank.

4. Be alert-if something strikes you as iffy or there is a possibility of you being in any harm tell someone. Be cautious about meeting new people and don't be afraid to ask questions to make sure they are who they are. People's identities get stolen everyday. Do not do something that could possibly turn out bad, like posting an aggressive status.

5. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. If your going to regret it, don't do it. Most kids use social media as a tool to lash out and be able to say whatever they want. Say you were complaining about your mom and she finds your Twitter and sees you ranting about her. Not only would you be grounded until the end of time, but think about how that would hurt your feelings. The world does not revolve around you but it is listening.

6. Don't be a hypocrite-no one appreciates you and your significant other except exactly that. How many times have you schooled down your timeline and thought "wow, omg, shut up, sooo annoying, wtf, please stop, no one cares". Please do not be that person who posts those things you can't stand.

7. Be yourself-no perks, no lieing about your lifestyle, do not be a jerk because all things come with consequences. Someone could catch you in a lie in no time flat and if said person doesn't like you, best believe they will put all of your business out there.

8. No drama

9. Everyone can see what you post, so be careful.

10. Colleges and work do have access to your social media sites, nothing you post is a secret.